the art of living

3 min readSep 13, 2022

Not going to lie, it's fucking hard, but hey if you are reading this it means that you are a living breathing human so hurray for that!

Ok here is some ugly truth, for the past year or so we have to live in the dark. Covid, political and financial issues, and a vaccine that seems that took forever to come.

Yesterday I remember how cool it is to be a living breathing human. I honestly had forgotten how cool and amazing was life.

I am writing these lines while I am at Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca drinking my cappuccino with a pain au chocolat how cool is that? the truth is you don't have to be somewhere else to start living and it's funny because I discover it while I'm on a trip. But here I notice that life is simpler, easy, and more beautiful if you just stop to admire it.

I discovered thatLife is about putting your ass out. you are welcome. But you have to do it in all the ways including yes dating.

so here is what I know, normally I set up this insane goal to walk around 6000 steps per day, you know to keep me active, and healthy and blah. I work remotely I have no place to go other than my room, kitchen, restroom, and repeat do you have any idea how many days I actually get them done? NONE.

The closer I get to that goal is whenever I do the grocery is when I get 3000, and oh boy if I feel empowered. but the problem is not the lockdown or that I work remotely the problem is that I don't put myself out there.

So right now it's 9 am and I have done 8402. Who is she? Ok, I have to confess I went dancing last night and 98% of those steps are because I was jumping like a crazy person, but still I am convinced that the reason why this happens is that I put my ass out here.

how on earth else? I also know it's covid, and lockdown and I am talking from my privilege I know don't worry, but I also know that for the past year and a half people haven't put their ass outside their room as well.

So one thing is that it is covid and another completely is

Putting your ass out here is so fucking hard sometimes, it's uncomfortable. I think it's why we don't do it that much, I noticed it yesterday it was karaoke night and you know there was a cute guy, and he was looking at me and suddenly he was right next to me! He was looking directly at me, I can actually feel it, and then I panic. I felt so uncomfortable, that I couldn't turn around.

In my head I was thinking like whatever you do kid DO NOT turn around, do not look at him just ignore him. The truth is that I was sooooo scared, I didn't know how to handle the situation, I was like ok so I smile and then fucking what? and the part of not knowing what was going to happen next was what scared me the MOST but it was all because I didn't want to put my ass out there, like exposing it to anything … I was like the hell no. So eventually the guy went and I was so relieved he didn't talk to me not like I gave him an option though … but I also felt so dumb about it because here I am writing that you should put your ass out there but I didn't do it. My point is normal, it is hard to expose yourself

Oh by the way this guy is right in front of me as I am writing this LOL

